Wednesday, March 22, 2023

blog #2 privacy online and offline

     Technology has been increasing its capacity of what it is capable of throughout the years. This can either cause a good effect or a bad one depending on how you view it and handle it. Three videos that really show the bad rippling effect of technology is 3 ted talks given by Juan Enriquez, Christopher Soghoian, Catherine Crump. These videos show us the hidden side of technology that not everyone sees the perspective of. 

    The first video by Juan Enriquez shows the explanation behind electronic tattoo's and how whatever you put on the internet is bound to stay there. It shows the behind the scenes of how anything you put online can be tracked back to you. The video first starts explaining facial recognition and how through online devices they can track you based off of your facial features, and see exactly what you post. What people need to be careful of is keeping a good reputation online, because anything you post can either make you look good or bad. He then refers back too greek gods and how they each have their meaning, which he then ties into how these greek gods our a metaphor for what goes on in the internet. 

    The Christopher Soghian ted talk about how to avoid surveillance, with phone in pocket. The government can see what, and where you are at all times due to the upgraded technology. This ted talk explains the behind the scenes of how the FBI and official's can track where you are through a radar, and drones that they have. This is the behind scenes of what the government does with the new technology produced and how they use it too track the people in our country. 

What is internet surveillance? | NordVPN

    The Catherine Crump ted talk explains how the NSA keeps sensitive information about all of us. The government can get detailed information about your privacy. They know too much about everyone and violate peoples private information. They keep records of license plates, so they can see where your going on a daily. The government has photos of you going about your daily life, which is an invasion of privacy. The reason that the government hangs on too this information is just in case they find it useful one day. These pots of data are all under the one file, the uses and abuses go further than the United States. Once the police maintain large portions of data the data gets abused. 

    All of these ted talks conclude the fact that government has been abusing its power with technology. They have been taking advantage of the technology and the information provided. With technology increasing and becoming more enhanced we have to be able to maintain a balance of personal privacy that has already gone over the line.


Monday, March 20, 2023

blog 4# eight values expression

     The following values of free expression, are what provides are governmental habitat to be stable. In which has been abused over the past years. These different values of free expression allow for the government to not have too much power, which is the most important thing. While all of these values hold their importance, some of them hold more of a higher standing then others. 

    Individual self fulfillment is the part of freedom of speech that allows individuals to express themselves and thereby create their own identity, which then allows for an aspect of human dignity, agency and autonomy too form. This is very important to human rights because it allows for people too be who they are, and express their uniqueness as individuals. This also keeps us more united and less divided because it causes a better understanding of what you belief, and once you do that you can better understand others. It also makes people less likely to rebel against the system because people feel safe and can be who ever they want to be. A true leader knows that placing fear into others doesn't work because that leads to no trust, no understanding, which then leads to a rebellion. A big part of this process values helping others, someone who better understands themselves learns to help others better understand who they are as a person. Once this happens a more joyful and peaceful society is created. For example a quote from the article Can Helping Others Help You Find Meaning in Life?"Although happiness and meaning overlap significantly, researchers suspected that helping others is especially crucial to developing a sense of meaning (Hopper)." Us as individual's have one goal in this life and that is to find our purpose and meaning. The constitutional right that allows us to find this meaning is self fulfillment, this is the most important value of self expression because it keeps the peace between ourselves and others. This is elaborated in the news source Can Helping Others Help You Find Meaning in Life? found on google news.

 The next most important value of expression is check on government power. This value of expression holds a strong power and meaning because it illustrates freedom of the press which then enables citizens to learn about the abuses of power. Having a country that understands the difference between holding power and abusing power allows for a stronger society to be maintained. This is because learning and knowing your rights is super important, that way if the government which they do starts to uphold too much power it can be turned around by the citizens in our society. For example the internet has held am abuse of power for years, we enter in information to the accounts we create without further understanding the power it holds. The government also abuses this power by not teaching citizens what the internet really provides and what they do behind the scenes, and this needs too change. In the article Your Data Is Diminishing Your Freedom "We’re simultaneously loading more and more of our lives into these systems and feeling that we have little to no control or understanding of how these systems work (Marchese)." Without knowing how these systems work we open ourselves up to a dangerous world that should not be the one we live in. The government with holds information too by keeping information out of the news and this is a further extent into an abuse of power. If us as citizens can further understand are rights we can stand up and change this.

    This abuse of power goes further once we start to talk about prior restraint. This goes more into the government and the media because prior restraint is when the government stops you from speaking or writing before you have even done so. The government has been doing this since technology has escalated. The reason for this is because when there is more information provided about people it can be easier to take abuse over. Since we live in a world where everyone knows everything about everyone, it can be used for either good or evil. The government has been using it for evil because they have not been respecting our rights while doing so. Learning to control and restore the power into more the peoples hands then the government is the truth behind how the country should be run. While technology makes this hard too do it is still possible, learning how to control the internet has to be the first step. Because the government restricting and giving out too much information causes an unbalanced society. For example in the article Supreme Court Should Address Prior Restraints on Former Gov’t Employees Employees "Finally, the regimes also lack the procedural safeguards required to mitigate the risk of illegitimate censorship—including perhaps most critically any firm timeline for government review (Kaufman, Jaffer)." This quote emphasizes the fact that government restrictions have been increasing through time which is highly illegal due to the value of expression written in the constitution. 

    Promote innovation is a community in which free speech is encouraged and a must, because it is valued. With it being protected it leads to a more energized, creative, and interesting society as its citizens actively fulfill themselves by being there true authentic selves. When citizens are encouraged to show their creative side, we discover and learn more about ourselves and others around us. In a society where we can see everyones perspective and view we have less a chance of the people in society being dissatisfied with how its run. For example in the article The Emerging Field of Political Innovation "To understand how political innovation works and how it creates impact, we find it useful to elaborate on the democracy work and the impact pathways characteristic of political innovation (Mair, Kindt, Mena)." This plays a role in promote innovation because when we open our minds too new ideas and use our energy to see people for who we are we have a more stable society as a whole.

    All of these concepts that are the first amendment written in the constitution, are expression of value needed to maintain a stable environment. Without these amendments the country becomes unstable and becomes a monarchy. To maintain a democratic view we have to maintain all the rights provided in the constitution and learn and understand our rights too. 

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

My Five Favorite News Sources

     When going through life everyone has a place they get there information, and because of the way technology has escalated, the boundaries from where you get your sources keep growing. I get my news information from many different places whether its through word of mouth, a book, or online. The news sources I use vary depending on what type of mood I am in. Some of my favorite news sources include; Netflix, Family and Friends, Tik Tok, Music, and Books. While these sources have all helped me get through life, and provide myself with information I have realized that I need to expand my boundaries of news to learn more about what is going on in the world, if I ever want to accomplish my goal of becoming a journalist. 


Everyone has turned on a TV at least once in there life, and has a show that they watch. The TV source I turn too when I need a good laugh, or something to watch is Netflix. This news source either provides me with something funny, suspenseful, action packed, or scary. So depending on the day I will watch whatever I feel I need in that moment. Sometimes I will turn it on as background noise as I am doing something else because it gives me that extra push to get through my day. One of my favorite shows to watch on Netflix is New Girl because it has those funny comedy moments. While this is totally irrelevant New Girl actually isn't my favorite show its How I Met Your Mother, but unfortunately they don't have that on Netflix and that needs to change. One of my favorite parts of the show New Girl is when Schmidt says "twenty- nine, twenty- nine." Another one of my favorite shows on Netflix is Stranger Things. In this show it has suspense with a tad bit of scary. But what I actually love about this show is that the plot line develops super well. It's one of those shows where you can't turn away from the screen because you want to know what happens next. Once you get to the end your completely flabbergasted. But what I love to do with shows like these is to try and guess the ending, and if I get it right then I'm like yea I did that. 

    Another one of my favorite news sources is through word of mouth through friends and family. A skill that I have developed over time has been communication it's something that I have learned to love doing because as a kid it was always hard for me. But once I started to grow and push myself I became quite good at it. Growing up I was more so on the shy side, but once I reached middle school I started to engage more so with others and started to enjoy it. I found that I love learning new things about others, and engaging in daily conversations because that is how relationships grow. Getting over the leap and doing things that are hard pushes you to grow and improve your life. And now I want to be a journalist and teach other people how to develop there communication skills. Being able to tell the world who you are and being open is an important skill to have because once you learn the level of honesty that communicating takes, you develop who you are as a person. 

    Although when listening to music you aren't speaking with others its still a form of communication and a news source because it's how artists speak to the world about what they feel. Music expands and grows your mind and it has helped people grow there creativity. Without music people would struggle too express their emotions. Throughout time whether you listen or create music it has helped people survive struggle, gain strength, expand their mind, and express emotion. My favorite song changes depending on the time period and what I'm thinking about in that moment. That is also the reason every Spotify listeners top listened too song changes depending on the year. This is because it depends on what that person went through, accomplished and did in that year. Music helps show people that life is always changing and that its inevitable. People who create music with the touch of a note or lyric express their creativity, expand their mind, and learn more about themselves and their emotions. That is why I love music and the rest of the world does too. If someone says they have never listened to music then they are lying because it's in everyday life. For example you walk into a restaurant whats playing music. Or when you go to work a lot of places play music over the speakers. And more than half the world listens too, or creates their own version of music when they are at home. 

   Tik Tok is an app that had been growing and expanding throughout the nation, and is how a lot of this generation communicates and gets their news. Too tie this into music it's also how a ton of artists have started to grow their brand. Their are many different sides to Tik Tok theres daily life updates, funny moments, music, dances and much more. Tik Tok creates this side called the for you page that is specifically branded too you and what you like. They market it so that once you start scrolling through you can't stop. It's a blessing and a curse because while some of the stuff provided helps expand your mind, a lot of it can be fake news. In other words it also causes people to grow a short attention spam. So although this app has done good things for me, watching how much you intake this app is important. My favorite part of Tik Tok is the motivational videos, and the music ones too. I like this side of Tik Tok because it helps me think outside the box, and also gives me the push I need to get through my day. It has taught me to be grateful for what I have, how to be positive, and how to be comfortable being out of my comfort zone. 

    When I was a kid I would pick up children's books, before I even new how to read and pretend I was reading them. This started my book process of growing my creativity. Because once I actually learned too read I developed the skill of using my imagination. Reading, and writing books is a form of news due to how many different genres that are provided. You can think of anything and their is definitely a book along the lines of that topic. While reading books has slipped passed a lot of this generation due to short attention spams. Their is a way to change that by finding a book you really are interested in, or an author that you like. Books help expand your communication skills because once you put imagination and words in your mind you reach a point where you develop a way too communicate. For example even people who can't speak because they are deaf, develop the skill of reading and with that they learn to write. And once they learn to write they can communicate in the whatever language needed. Reading and writing also expands your vocabulary, and helps you find who you are in your mind. It brings you a level of peace, and you learn more about yourself. Authors provide the world with a way too process emotions and feelings. It's kind of similar to how movies and shows work, but the process is different. For example when you can't sleep at night reading a book will put you too sleep do to how the brain works. Where as watching a movie or a show will keep you up at night because your staring at a screen. 

    All of these news sources have helped me understand and develop the way my brain works, and who I am as a person. These news sources allow many different aspects of yourself too show. And while these sources mean what they mean to me, it is different for everyone. The one thing that I hope for the most is that everyone learns more about themselves, and the world through their news sources. Because once you can find yourself you can helps others find themselves too. With this you find the joy in life and the process of how life works.