Wednesday, March 22, 2023

blog #2 privacy online and offline

     Technology has been increasing its capacity of what it is capable of throughout the years. This can either cause a good effect or a bad one depending on how you view it and handle it. Three videos that really show the bad rippling effect of technology is 3 ted talks given by Juan Enriquez, Christopher Soghoian, Catherine Crump. These videos show us the hidden side of technology that not everyone sees the perspective of. 

    The first video by Juan Enriquez shows the explanation behind electronic tattoo's and how whatever you put on the internet is bound to stay there. It shows the behind the scenes of how anything you put online can be tracked back to you. The video first starts explaining facial recognition and how through online devices they can track you based off of your facial features, and see exactly what you post. What people need to be careful of is keeping a good reputation online, because anything you post can either make you look good or bad. He then refers back too greek gods and how they each have their meaning, which he then ties into how these greek gods our a metaphor for what goes on in the internet. 

    The Christopher Soghian ted talk about how to avoid surveillance, with phone in pocket. The government can see what, and where you are at all times due to the upgraded technology. This ted talk explains the behind the scenes of how the FBI and official's can track where you are through a radar, and drones that they have. This is the behind scenes of what the government does with the new technology produced and how they use it too track the people in our country. 

What is internet surveillance? | NordVPN

    The Catherine Crump ted talk explains how the NSA keeps sensitive information about all of us. The government can get detailed information about your privacy. They know too much about everyone and violate peoples private information. They keep records of license plates, so they can see where your going on a daily. The government has photos of you going about your daily life, which is an invasion of privacy. The reason that the government hangs on too this information is just in case they find it useful one day. These pots of data are all under the one file, the uses and abuses go further than the United States. Once the police maintain large portions of data the data gets abused. 

    All of these ted talks conclude the fact that government has been abusing its power with technology. They have been taking advantage of the technology and the information provided. With technology increasing and becoming more enhanced we have to be able to maintain a balance of personal privacy that has already gone over the line.


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