Friday, April 21, 2023

Social Media And The Affects On Mental Health Final Blog

     Social Media is a network that contaminates peoples brains and the way they think. Overall it has a negative impact on society and the way that people work within the world. Society has been changing since social media has entered our world and in a negative way. Since the beginning of its appearance people have started questioning themselves and the way that they think. Social Media impacts people in the following ways; takes away creativity, makes people question their appearance, and also isolates people from how beautiful the world is. 

    Creativity is something discovered within that everyone maintains in different ways. However when social media became a thing it more so took away creativity than expanded it because people started the process of trying to be like everyone else and following trends. Although trying to fit in has always been a thing social media grew people more and more into that mindset. That is one of the main issues with social media and the process behind why it was created. The creation of social media allowed for people to shift their mindset to a more broad basis, people see someones post online and think let me post something similar instead of taking that persons post and making it their own by opening their mind. Expanding the mind while being a process of learning to think for yourself. But people will always influence others, the difference is wether is an influence to think like you and not like someone else. Think of it this way, you become more like the people you surround yourself with and not in a bad way. However social media has made it possible for everyone to be surrounded by everyone and that is the reason people are loosing their creativity. According to the article How social media can inhibit creativity? "The study’s authors suggest that social media may make it harder for people to think outside the box and that the constant stream of information from social media can be overwhelming and lead to decision fatigue (seomajid)." The way people loose their creativity through social media is because they feel overwhelmed to keep up with the daily posts and with that they loose their reality discovered within themselves and the real world. 

Social Media: how to use it safely - NCSC.GOV.UK

    Being insecure is a natural habit created within yourself that impacts the way you view yourself and others. Although judging yourself is a completely natural habit, social media plays a major role in why people around the world struggle to love themselves. Looking at how people view themselves and then viewing yourself from that perspective is impacted when social media was created. People see someones post and think why don't I look like them, or why aren't I as happy as that person. However social media is the way someones life appears on the outside and not how they feel on the inside. Social Media has made the world more shallow in that since, people care more about how they appear than who they are on the inside. With this a world is created where people care more about what others think of them, then a world where you are just who you are. According to the article Social media effects on body image and eating disorders "Research clearly shows that media exposure contributes to body dissatisfaction and disordered eating. Social media is unfortunately shaping our concept of beauty (Fleps)." Eating disorders and views on body image have been increasing since the beginning of social media due to the world growing a more shallow viewpoint.  

    Isolation is something that impacts the brain and the way it works, it is not good thing. Teaching yourself isolation from others and the world causes feelings of loneliness. Technology is something that causes a distraction from everyday life, it causes people to not be in touch with the real world and all it provides. According to the article Technology Use, Loneliness, and Isolation "Technology compulsion, like other forms of behavior compulsion, may lead to obsessive thinking and behavior and feelings of anxiety when not connected (Lancaster)." The way that technology makes people feel bad about themselves and challenges their point of view not always for the best. Although challenging perspectives is a good thing the outcome from looking at a screen all day isn't healthy. 

    Technology while providing a more stable way of communication, also causes a more chaotic environment to form. These different forms of technology although have some good outcomes cause a lot of bad ones too. Technology causes a lack in creativity, feelings of insecurity, and isolation. So technology more so harms society than benefits it, with the way it makes people feel about themselves.  

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Living In The Age Of AL

     The documentary Living In The Age further explains how artificial intelligence allows for a positive and negative way of life. It also shows how China chases an AI future. They are embracing a newer generation, and will be leading the world by 2030 with how their future keeps growing. China's AI is something that continues to grow and build a foundation for their future, and thats why they have caught up generation wise. I learned different take aways from this video, including surprising take aways and frightening take aways.

    The surprising and frightening take away from an AI future is the national security aspect. This has a positive and negative side to security, because it was placed their to make us feel safe but it also allows for government to abuse its power. According to the article Security in the Age of AI with Mike Hanley "Machine learning can help companies better protect their networks, but it also provides attackers with new tools (Hanley)." This article shows why an AI experience causes a downside to form because security is easily hacked with other countries catching up to us technology wise, where as in the US. we have been ahead of the game. But with China catching up to us with technology we experience a negative side too technology. The positive side to and AI future is that it makes people feel safe in their environment, and allows for a more secure future to form. According to the article How does technology support security today? "CCTV, access control systems and alarms, as well as integrated IT management systems can support the security operation to keep organizations and their people safe (Berkoff)." People begin to feel more safe in their environment due to national security, but it also allows for government to abuse its power and for other countries to have easier access to us. 

    An AI future also causes pro's and cons to form when it comes to personal privacy. As the video continues it starts to talk about the differences between personal security and national security the pro's and cons provided with it. According to the article PROBLEMS ARE DETECTED BEFORE THEY CAN ESCALATE "AI security systems are the key to a reliable security system, with the ability to detect threats in a fraction of a second in any environment (" This makes people feel safe in their home environments and allows for people to continue their path to feel safe in their comfortable environments. Their is also a downside to personal security with an AI future because security breaches are very possible. According to the article AI and Ethics: "Balancing progress and protection AI systems used for security purposes can collect and process large amounts of data, which can raise privacy concerns (dataconomy)." These privacy concerns are very similar to a national security stand point just from a more personal perspective, the pro is it makes people feel safe and the con is it can allow for the system to be easily hacked.

    From another perspective regarding AI identity theft and online security raise high concerns. These life experiences have become more prone to happen because of the updated lifestyle of technology. Identity theft is becoming more known personal experience because of spear phishing and cloud computing and storage.  According to the article 5 Ways Technology Assists Identity Theft cloud and computing and storage "The ability to access the cloud from mobile devices also encourages engaging with unsafe Wi-Fi connections, allowing hackers to monitor any traffic coming to and from the cloud (Peterson)." Hackers being able to access these types of storage spaces causes identity theft to occur on a more known basis. Online security has been declining since the moment technology started to form because as technology grows so does the ways to access personal online sources. According to the article Lack of Trust in Internet Privacy and Security May Deter Economic and Other Online "Activities Privacy and security concerns deterred each of these important activities in millions of households, and this chill on discourse and economic activity was even more common among online households that either had experienced an online security breach or expressed two or more major concerns about privacy and security risks (" These security risks form because technology is a source that cannot be maintained. 

Identity Theft: What You Need to Know

    All of these different sides to AI are what cause the different sides of technology to be exposed. These programs and different views are the reason that everything occurs technology wise. They're are positive and negative aspects to this which cause different point of views on technology to form. 

Monday, April 10, 2023

EOTO com tech line

     Different technologies taught us to express ourselves and expand communication. This allowed for a new mindset to form about different ways to expand technologies. Technology has changed points of view on many different aspects of life. A lot of these different versions of technology help the world further understand how the world works. But their is two sides to technology a bad side and a good side. 


    The newspaper was a change in technology in a way that was extravagant. The newspaper helped spread town news, specifically news about the community and what was going on with it. It started to spread nationally and grow bigger throughout communities. Once this way of communication changed technology started to escalate. In the article How America's largest newspaper company is leaving behind news deserts"You have the page layout and editing done elsewhere. The thought was you could achieve these economies of scale and make a profitable business (Restrepo)."

How Will Technology Shape HR in the Future - Great People Inside

    The VCR was invented in 1956, and escalated technology. Once the VCR became more and more relevant other technologies started to escalate. The VCR allowed for a more versatile communication to form, and allowed for people to find new ways to communicate. The VCR changed the way people took time our of their day, by watching movies. According to the article A Brief History of the VCR "He wanted a worldwide standard. He knew it would take years for people to adopt the new technology, even comparing it to the steady growth of a bonsai tree." The VCR changed the way people viewed life cinematically. 

    Motion picture changed society because it changed the way society viewed the world. The motion picture was invented in 1895, and changed the way people viewed. This caused movies to be invented and this allowed for people to be entertained while they're bored. This also helped get information out to people about the world and caused people to find there creativity in creating movies. According to The Early History of Motion Pictures "Experimenting with ways to exhibit photographs, several inventors came up with a simple toy that made it possible for a series of pictures to be viewed in rapid succession, creating the illusion of motion (Pickford)."

    All these different types of communication changed the way that society portrayed, the different world views. These types of technology allowed for newer perspectives to form, and allowed for new world view to form. With technology escalating the values started changing throughout society. 


Saturday, April 8, 2023

civil war and reconstruction

     The civil war reconstructed society in many different ways. The world turned around after the civil war, due to the way society was starting to run. The civil war changed society due to the supreme court, and in economic ways. These ways helped influence society because it changed the way the world is run.

    The supreme court formed after the civil war and was created by the United States constitution. The Supreme Court changed the way the court system is run and placed a security blanket for the people. According to the article THE SUPREME COURT COULD FOSTER A NEW KIND OF CIVIL WAR "Craig Green, professor of law at Temple University’s Beasley School of Law, expects that their potential targets could include a whole host of legal protections: on workers rights, consumer protections, environment, health care and much more (Berstein)." The supreme court changed the way society looks at life, and all the things that are provided with it. 

The Supreme Court Building - Supreme Court of the United States

    Another way that the civil war changed society was economically. After the civil war a rebuilding of how society was run was put into place. The civil war changed society for women in the best way possible. According to The Women Who Revolutionized Nursing"But the Civil War would change the social, economic, and political landscape for women from every walk of American life—perhaps nowhere more so than in the field of nursing (ADRIENNE)." These economic stand points gave us a new world view perspective on money. 

    The civil war was a turning point for our world, women gained more rights in all fields. The civil war reconstructed the way society was run for the better, and allowed for a new beginning to occur. This was a huge step forward for modern day society. The civil war played a huge role in what expanded our horizons and opened our eyes to what had be done. Women branched out into the work field because they had too because the men were at war. This then led to a bright and changing future for women. According to the article Women in War "the Civil War profoundly altered women’s lives, opening new paths and allowing them to take on roles previously held largely by men. Nursing, which had been a male profession, is the best-known example (Heriones)." The benefit of women branching out with in society allowed for new chapter to begin in everyones lives. Because women started the process of creating their own identities and not just sticking to gender roles. This was the starting point to the shift in gender roles throughout society.