Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Living In The Age Of AL

     The documentary Living In The Age further explains how artificial intelligence allows for a positive and negative way of life. It also shows how China chases an AI future. They are embracing a newer generation, and will be leading the world by 2030 with how their future keeps growing. China's AI is something that continues to grow and build a foundation for their future, and thats why they have caught up generation wise. I learned different take aways from this video, including surprising take aways and frightening take aways.

    The surprising and frightening take away from an AI future is the national security aspect. This has a positive and negative side to security, because it was placed their to make us feel safe but it also allows for government to abuse its power. According to the article Security in the Age of AI with Mike Hanley "Machine learning can help companies better protect their networks, but it also provides attackers with new tools (Hanley)." This article shows why an AI experience causes a downside to form because security is easily hacked with other countries catching up to us technology wise, where as in the US. we have been ahead of the game. But with China catching up to us with technology we experience a negative side too technology. The positive side to and AI future is that it makes people feel safe in their environment, and allows for a more secure future to form. According to the article How does technology support security today? "CCTV, access control systems and alarms, as well as integrated IT management systems can support the security operation to keep organizations and their people safe (Berkoff)." People begin to feel more safe in their environment due to national security, but it also allows for government to abuse its power and for other countries to have easier access to us. 

    An AI future also causes pro's and cons to form when it comes to personal privacy. As the video continues it starts to talk about the differences between personal security and national security the pro's and cons provided with it. According to the article PROBLEMS ARE DETECTED BEFORE THEY CAN ESCALATE "AI security systems are the key to a reliable security system, with the ability to detect threats in a fraction of a second in any environment (coro.net)." This makes people feel safe in their home environments and allows for people to continue their path to feel safe in their comfortable environments. Their is also a downside to personal security with an AI future because security breaches are very possible. According to the article AI and Ethics: "Balancing progress and protection AI systems used for security purposes can collect and process large amounts of data, which can raise privacy concerns (dataconomy)." These privacy concerns are very similar to a national security stand point just from a more personal perspective, the pro is it makes people feel safe and the con is it can allow for the system to be easily hacked.

    From another perspective regarding AI identity theft and online security raise high concerns. These life experiences have become more prone to happen because of the updated lifestyle of technology. Identity theft is becoming more known personal experience because of spear phishing and cloud computing and storage.  According to the article 5 Ways Technology Assists Identity Theft cloud and computing and storage "The ability to access the cloud from mobile devices also encourages engaging with unsafe Wi-Fi connections, allowing hackers to monitor any traffic coming to and from the cloud (Peterson)." Hackers being able to access these types of storage spaces causes identity theft to occur on a more known basis. Online security has been declining since the moment technology started to form because as technology grows so does the ways to access personal online sources. According to the article Lack of Trust in Internet Privacy and Security May Deter Economic and Other Online "Activities Privacy and security concerns deterred each of these important activities in millions of households, and this chill on discourse and economic activity was even more common among online households that either had experienced an online security breach or expressed two or more major concerns about privacy and security risks (ntia.gov)." These security risks form because technology is a source that cannot be maintained. 

Identity Theft: What You Need to Know

    All of these different sides to AI are what cause the different sides of technology to be exposed. These programs and different views are the reason that everything occurs technology wise. They're are positive and negative aspects to this which cause different point of views on technology to form. 

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