Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Week 5 Diffusion of Innovations

     Innovation in technology began once the world took a turn, and took a step into the unknown. The moment technology formed people had to get used to having little to no privacy. But before technology how did the diffusion of innovation theory exist. It existed before technology because of newspapers, writing has always been a way to express and spread your values and thinking. Throughout time people have formed different opinions on situations and have learned to spread this through different ways depending on the time period. 

    For example a part of diffusion of innovation theory involves political beliefs and values. Since the beginning of our government political parties have been around, the only thing that was different was the way the news spread on what party you wanted to be apart of. According to the article Diffusion of Innovation Theory "It originated in communication to explain how, over time, an idea or product gains momentum and diffuses (or spreads) through a specific population or social system (Wayne)." The political parties grew throughout time, but they have always been around. The way the system is run is pretty much the same just the technological growth is different. 

How Did The US Political Parties Get Their Mascots? | Wisconsin Public Radio

    Political parties formed 1787 during the federal constitution, and have been further developing since. Political parties are the balance of our democracy, they hold values to what the people believe. With in the government system political parties have been and continue to be around. With this the diffusion of innovation theory stands. According to the article Diffusion Of Innovations Theory, Principles, And Practice "Over time through waves of innovations, diffusion changes societies. Sometimes these changes manifest as differences in knowledge (Dearing & Cox)." These changes while not through the actual political parties occur with the different viewpoints formed throughout time. According to the article The politics of policy diffusion "policies in one unit (country, state, city, etc.) are influenced by the policies of other units (Gilardi)." This quote explains that throughout time political parties have changed their views and improved. 

    Diffusion of innovation is the process of something over time gaining momentum. This occurred in the way that technology increased the political game. However political parties have been around since the beginning and that is why the diffusion of innovation theory still stands. 


EOTO reflection

     During the research part of the presentation I was able to expand my horizons and learn more about the innovation of different technologies. We rely on our different social networks, so it was really interesting to understand the more deeper aspect of how we as a population grew technologically. 

Advantages and disadvantages of modern technology - Thrive Global

    We use different platforms to see the world around us and peoples view on it. What started as a simple stone tool has increased into what we now call virtual reality. The way it started was by someone simple. using their brain to think outside the box and create something. And then it kept escalating throughout time because people became more self aware of what they are capable of. The stone tool was the start of it all, and without it we would not live in the world we do. According to the article Stone Tools "Middle Stone Age toolkits included points, which could be hafted on to shafts to make spears; stone awls, which could have been used to perforate hides (Smithsonian)." This was the purpose behind stone tools and that was the moment humans discovered what they are capable of.

    Technology has continued to escalate further and now has advancement as far as the virtual reality. The virtual reality headset was created as an advancement to video games. And has increased as time has gone on. According to the article VR headset (virtual reality headset) "allows users to interact with simulated environments and experience a first-person view (FPV) (contributor)." Virtual reality has continued to play a role in what are future will look like. 

    These different technological aspects have increased and will continue to do so. With in our presentations we took a more so look into the technology that fell in between these placements, but never touched base on what started and has currently finished it all. 

EOTO 2 reflection on tik tok

    Tik tok has been an app that has been blowing up the charts lately. This is because of the content it produces it has such a broad base audience that anyone can get reeled in. The creativity behind this app while very smart, can also be very harmful to the human mind.

    The very reason this app can be so harmful is because it makes people's attention spam shorter than what it's supposed to be. An attention spam is the ability to focus on the process or the task at hand. With Tik Tok causing are attention spams to grow shorter and shorter because the videos are thirty seconds long we don't see the harmful side too it. Notice how when you sit to read a book or study, you have to take breaks in between to look at your phone. Well the main reason for this is because everything that occurs in are brain we train it to be there. So once we create the habit of scrolling through quick thirty second videos for long periods of time we aren't able to function at full potential anymore. 

    Tik tok just like other apps also have the ability to show teenagers harmful content that can affect them in the future. They target what they think you might want to see, but an app with that much power can show you whatever it pleases. According to the article TikTok may push potentially harmful content to teens within minutes, study finds "TikTok may surface potentially harmful content related to suicide and eating disorders to teenagers within minutes of them creating an account, a new study suggests, likely adding to growing scrutiny of the app’s impact on its youngest users (Kelly)." This app impacts the way teenagers and growing adults think and can be very harmful if not carefully watched over. 

Anti War

     The anti war was something created to try to keep the peace with in our nation. You find very few articles that present different sides that go against the government. They censor what we are able to view and find online and lots of times don't present us with the truth. The government censors are viewership and doesn't show us the real reality behind it all. 

    The anti war is what the government uses to censor us, they do this so that people only protest half the information. If you notice the stuff found online a lot of the times agrees with the government more than going against it this is the cause of why are country functions the way it does. They want you to form opinions on viewpoints that you only have half the truth of. Throughout history and time the government has been keeping the peace with them in power. 

    The half truth is where you see only one side and not the other perspective. The viewpoint where the government wants you to agree on all of their actions, but does it in a discreet way where they give you some room to disagree. Throughout time and history the government has been doing this to keep us in check with the system.  

midterm blog