Innovation in technology began once the world took a turn, and took a step into the unknown. The moment technology formed people had to get used to having little to no privacy. But before technology how did the diffusion of innovation theory exist. It existed before technology because of newspapers, writing has always been a way to express and spread your values and thinking. Throughout time people have formed different opinions on situations and have learned to spread this through different ways depending on the time period.
For example a part of diffusion of innovation theory involves political beliefs and values. Since the beginning of our government political parties have been around, the only thing that was different was the way the news spread on what party you wanted to be apart of. According to the article Diffusion of Innovation Theory "It originated in communication to explain how, over time, an idea or product gains momentum and diffuses (or spreads) through a specific population or social system (Wayne)." The political parties grew throughout time, but they have always been around. The way the system is run is pretty much the same just the technological growth is different.
How Did The US Political Parties Get Their Mascots? | Wisconsin Public Radio
Political parties formed 1787 during the federal constitution, and have been further developing since. Political parties are the balance of our democracy, they hold values to what the people believe. With in the government system political parties have been and continue to be around. With this the diffusion of innovation theory stands. According to the article Diffusion Of Innovations Theory, Principles, And Practice "Over time through waves of innovations, diffusion changes societies. Sometimes these changes manifest as differences in knowledge (Dearing & Cox)." These changes while not through the actual political parties occur with the different viewpoints formed throughout time. According to the article The politics of policy diffusion "policies in one unit (country, state, city, etc.) are influenced by the policies of other units (Gilardi)." This quote explains that throughout time political parties have changed their views and improved.
Diffusion of innovation is the process of something over time gaining momentum. This occurred in the way that technology increased the political game. However political parties have been around since the beginning and that is why the diffusion of innovation theory still stands.
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