Monday, September 18, 2023

COM beats blog #4

 I am currently setting up interviews with Tammy Covington, and chief of police Travis Stroud. I am also getting in touch with police of communications Victoria Ruvio, and the non profit organization 1ove146. I am getting in touch with human trafficking survivor Ann Ptak, and Jordan Green writer who covered stories on human trafficking. I am also getting in touch with another non profit organization Sandra Johnson. 

    Updates on crime in High Point involve the following. According to fox8 news High Point triples fines for tampering with utility meters "High Point noticed a 42% uptick in reports of meter meddling and decided to raise the fine in an effort to deal with the problem (Fambro)." Also according to fox8 news A High Point Man was sentenced for 6 to 13 years for sexual assault "Carter’s DNA was a match with the samples from the SANE kit and a warrant was issued for his arrest. Carter was located and arrested the next day, April 9, 2020 (Stamps)." 

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