Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Story 4

Keeping The Community Safe One Step

At A Time

    By Kate Ryan, Q News

       High Point Community Against Violence and The High Point Police Department strive to

keep the community safe through watchful eyes.

           Lutenient Patrick Welch further details how the police system works, and some recent violent

crime cases that have occured. Non profit organization HPCAV uses empathy to reach offendersof violent crime to get them to stop their ways.

Westdale Has A Violent Encounter

      Lutenient of HPPDNC Welch goes into detail on violent crimes in High Point's community.


            According to Welch on October 5th their was a homicide in Westdale, "it started off as a

robbery/home invasion where they kindanapped individuals and brought them to High Point,"

Welch explained.

          One person was then shot at the scene, and they have made an arrest but are still looking into

others that were involved. Bobby Little one of the accused, had another first degree murder charge

on May 10th, 2022. "For a homicide that happened on N main street," Welch explained.

Violent Crime Statistic Image Link

Creek View Encounters A Homicide

     Welch goes into further depth about the homicide that took place on september 3rd, 2022. "4 peoplewere injured, and 1 was killed at the scene," explained Welch... "two victims were treated and


            No arrests have been made in this case, and it was a shooting that took place in an apartment


Photo from; https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/greensboro.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/0/51/0517e107-0328-5240-997c-435c9ddd8642/63bc649200562.image.jpg?resize=1280%2C720

Team Work Between Forces

       HPCAV Robert Martin helps offenders of violent crimes stop their ways. Welch also explainedhow their program has helped HPPDNC.

              The police force points people in the direction of HPCAV. "We have a meeting in the morning anddistribute flyers to the group," explained Welch... "we'll knock on doors and hand out the flyers."

              This keeps folks involved in bringing peace to the community. These flyers hold information onsteps to take to recieve help. According to Welch, "these flyers maintain information on suspects

we are looking for as well."

Robert Martin Interview

HPCAV Healing Hearts

      HPCAV's team uses tatics to heal the hearts of violent crime offenders. According to Welch HPCAV

is a great resource because they help offenders who need community assistance.

            According to Martin, the offenders have back to back serious offenses, typically are already looking

to be helped.

            "Two guys in the program painted the offices and installed the carpet," Martin stated. This allows

the offenders to feel some type of accomplishment and starts the process of changing their ways.

Photo from; https://www.hpcav.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/slider-pic-.png

HPCAV Changes An Offender

       HPCAV offender Roy Autry works with this resource to furth change with in himself. According

to Autry, "about 10 to 15 years ago I got placed into the program for a second time."

            According to Autry he stuck with attempting change because he saw what it was doing for others.

"They genuienly love people,"Autry stated... "thats the thing I recongnized with Robert Martin."

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