Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Story 5

Retired Police And Their Experience In The Police Force

By Kate Ryan, Q News 

    Retired police now working for High Point Community Against Violence share their past experiences working in the High Point police force. 

Leonard Stump On Insurance Gone Wrong

Leonard Stump On Steps Taken To Stop Insurance Fraud 

     Stump works currently for the department of insurance covering 26 counties on insurance fraud, and is retired from the Guilford County Sherifs Office. He and his team cover automobile, medical, and homeowner insurance fraud. 

    Stump claims that his biggest case was post pandemic. "The insurance companies weren't sending their adjusters out," said Stump. "This person had a renters insurance fraud ring." 

    The guilty sent in a claim on their renters insurance, that their was a kitchen fire which wasn't true. The guilty was trying to recieve money from the government to cover damage that wasn't their. "The insurance company paid 510,000$ for damage that was a lie," said Stump. 

Photo was taken by Highpoint.gov and this image respresents the High Point police department
and High Point Community Against Violence working together.

Detective On Project X Catch A Predator

    In the early 2000's retired dectetive Jay Eaton covered a case where undercover officers on the dark web were posing as teenage boys and girls. "the premise was to catch the attention of child predators,"said Eaton.

    This undercover detective work led to the arrest of several child predators. Eaton was lead detective on one case that involved a soldier from Fort Brag. "The accused was talking online with who he thought was a 14 year old girl," said Eaton..."which eventually led to were going to meet up and have sex."

    The accused proceeded to drive to High Point from Fort Brag, where the sherifs office was waiting to make the arrest. "The accused was then taken to trial and found guilty," said Eaton. "That was rewarding for me knowing that we got this child predator off the street.

1980 Illegal Immigrant Ex Prisoners Make Way Into Our Country

    Retired law enforcement for deparment of Justice Victor Resto goes into further detail on a case in 1980 where 50,000 ex prisoner illegal immigrants made way into the US through the port of Miami. "Fidel Castro let them out of the prisons," said Resto. "They put them on boats and sent them to the United States." 

    The US prisons ended up with about 10,000 of these ex prisoners. "They were very cunning and manipulative," said Resto. 

    One prisoner escaped, from isolation. "crossed through the roofs of the buildings, and ended up on the ground," said Resto. The inmate then ended up in the Atlanta City. The police were able to bring this inmate back to the institution from Atlanta City. 

Photo was taken from Bouvie Kelly and represents the badge that High Point Police officers where. 
This image holds high value to retired officers of the police force, because it represents their work.

Favorite Parts Of The Job 

     Eaton goes into further detail about his favorite parts of the police work he did. "As a detective theirs nothing better than getting the accused to admit what they did," said Eaton. He claims that it is the most challenging and rewarding part of the job.

Hyperlink On 1980 Illegal Immigrant Case

Hyperlink More On The Dark Web

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

blog 13

     For my story 4 final Interviewed Patrick Welch from the High Point police station, and I also interviewed High Point Community Against Violence. For my story 5 I am going to interview retired police officers on the most interesting cases they have came across in the field they worked in. This story will maintain at least 4 retired officers. I will also be interviewing Patrick Welch again on cold cases that he has came across in his career. 

    The latest updates in High Point consist of traffic fatalities, and a teen motorcyclist dead in a crash. According to the High Point Police Department on November 19th "High Point Police, High Point Fire Department, and Guilford County EMS were dispatched to the intersection of Westchester Dr and N Main St for a traffic crash with injuries." According to fox8 on November 19th "Investigators say that a 2009 Suzuki motorcycle crashed into a pickup truck at the intersection." The driver of the motorcycle was 18 and died due to injuries upon arrival to the hospital. According to the High Point police department on November 22nd students gathered to design bowling pins for the High Point Police department angels in blue fundraiser. The angels in blue fundraiser rasies money for High Point families that are nominated for the community. They recieve gifts and donations through this fundraiser.

Video of Angels in blue fundraiser; Angels In Blue Fundraiser

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Story 4

Keeping The Community Safe One Step

At A Time

    By Kate Ryan, Q News

       High Point Community Against Violence and The High Point Police Department strive to

keep the community safe through watchful eyes.

           Lutenient Patrick Welch further details how the police system works, and some recent violent

crime cases that have occured. Non profit organization HPCAV uses empathy to reach offendersof violent crime to get them to stop their ways.

Westdale Has A Violent Encounter

      Lutenient of HPPDNC Welch goes into detail on violent crimes in High Point's community.


            According to Welch on October 5th their was a homicide in Westdale, "it started off as a

robbery/home invasion where they kindanapped individuals and brought them to High Point,"

Welch explained.

          One person was then shot at the scene, and they have made an arrest but are still looking into

others that were involved. Bobby Little one of the accused, had another first degree murder charge

on May 10th, 2022. "For a homicide that happened on N main street," Welch explained.

Violent Crime Statistic Image Link

Creek View Encounters A Homicide

     Welch goes into further depth about the homicide that took place on september 3rd, 2022. "4 peoplewere injured, and 1 was killed at the scene," explained Welch... "two victims were treated and


            No arrests have been made in this case, and it was a shooting that took place in an apartment


Photo from; https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/greensboro.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/0/51/0517e107-0328-5240-997c-435c9ddd8642/63bc649200562.image.jpg?resize=1280%2C720

Team Work Between Forces

       HPCAV Robert Martin helps offenders of violent crimes stop their ways. Welch also explainedhow their program has helped HPPDNC.

              The police force points people in the direction of HPCAV. "We have a meeting in the morning anddistribute flyers to the group," explained Welch... "we'll knock on doors and hand out the flyers."

              This keeps folks involved in bringing peace to the community. These flyers hold information onsteps to take to recieve help. According to Welch, "these flyers maintain information on suspects

we are looking for as well."

Robert Martin Interview

HPCAV Healing Hearts

      HPCAV's team uses tatics to heal the hearts of violent crime offenders. According to Welch HPCAV

is a great resource because they help offenders who need community assistance.

            According to Martin, the offenders have back to back serious offenses, typically are already looking

to be helped.

            "Two guys in the program painted the offices and installed the carpet," Martin stated. This allows

the offenders to feel some type of accomplishment and starts the process of changing their ways.

Photo from; https://www.hpcav.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/slider-pic-.png

HPCAV Changes An Offender

       HPCAV offender Roy Autry works with this resource to furth change with in himself. According

to Autry, "about 10 to 15 years ago I got placed into the program for a second time."

            According to Autry he stuck with attempting change because he saw what it was doing for others.

"They genuienly love people,"Autry stated... "thats the thing I recongnized with Robert Martin."

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

blog post 12

     According to the High Point police department recent crime in High Point NC, on October 31st man, died following a car crash on Jamestown Parkway and there was a traffic crash with injuries on October 27th. On October 25th Suspect was charged with murder and kidnapping, and on October 17th Bike Team officers arrest the suspect in a vehicle break-in. According to High Point Enterprise on 11/13/23 there was an assault, and on 11/12/23 there was also an assault. 

    For my story, I am interviewing the lieutenant of cold cases Patrick Welch and he will be going into more detail on the cases his department has experienced. I also have an interview set up with High Point Community Against Violence and they will be giving me more information on how they provide help for the accused of violent crime. I will be visiting the High Point police department every week to schedule more interviews for my next story, and asking Lieutenant Patrick Welch for more contacts in the police department that I can interview for my next stories. 

Thursday, November 9, 2023

blog post 11

     For my story 4 I will be covering cold cases in High Point NC. I went to the High Point police department yesterday and recieved the email and number of a police officer who I can interview and develop a story with. I am looking to use High Point Police department for my next stories to change angles on my beat. This story will be covered broadcast, and should be around 3:00 minutes long.

    This past week crimes in High Point have ranged from car crashes to homicides. According to High Point police department a man died in Jamestown on October 31st from a car crash. According to the same source on October 25th a man was charged with attempted murder and kidnapping. Their was also a hit and run and a vehicle break in that same week. 

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

story 3


HPU The Crime Experience

By Kate Ryan, Q News

High Point University’s campus goes through multiple procedures and takes on multiple efforts to keep students safe. 

Chief Director of Campus Police Debra Duncan and the rest of HPU security work hard to respond, prepare, and handle any situation that could occur on HPU’s campus. 

How Often Crime Occurs on High Point’s Campus

HPU's statistics vary from rape, aggravated assault, and burglary. According to the Students Right to Know report 2023, on-campus rapes stayed the same from 2021 to 2022 at a number of 18. However residential facility rapes increased by 4 from 2021 to 2022, with 14 in 2021 and 18 in 2022.

According to the same source, aggravated assaults increased by one in 2021 and 2022 with 3 in 2021 and 4 in 2022. According to that same report in 2022, 6 people were robbed on campus, and 6 in residential facilities. 

Chief Director Of Campus on HPU’s Security System

Interview With Chief Of Security

Chief director of HPU's campus Debra Duncan, holds high value to the process of HPU’s security system. According to Duncan, the first step in reporting a crime is making a phone call to campus security, so they can file a report and handle matters accordingly. According to Duncan, “If it’s something that we can’t solve right away, we’ll send it to our detectives.” 

Once the person or student is identified they will send them to the student conduct, where a school trial occurs. According to Duncan “if they are found guilty they sanction them.” For a different type of crime for example assault, HPU has its own police department to handle the issue. 

According to Duncan “If it’s not High Point owned, or leased High Point police not a part of High Point University handles the issue.”

High Point Chief Of Security Debra Duncan- photo by https://www.highpoint.edu/media/home/HPU-News-4.png

HPU Experiences A Break-In

High Point University Student Ashlyn Long experienced a potential break into her home firsthand. Long is a Junior at High Point this year, and she lives in off-campus housing. She and her former roommate were tanning on their back porch when a car circled her place. 

“He stopped 3 houses in front of our house, then we looked at each other and she said if he turns around were running inside,” Long explained. “Then he turned on our street, we called security and he took pictures of our backyard.” 

The next day, around 2 a.m., a strange man came up to their door looking to get into their place. Luckily, her place contained cameras. 

According to Long, this break-in made her feel “really scared just because when we watched the video it didn’t seem real.” 

She found out about this man caught on camera around 3 a.m. 

According to Long “If he didn’t notice the camera he definitely would have tried harder, like break a window or something.” 

Attempted Break-in Video

HPU Freshman Experiences Assault

An incoming freshman, who would not like to be named experienced an assault from another student. This survivor had mutual friends with the accused. 

According to the survivor of the assault “The second time I hung out with him he took advantage of me, and didn’t take no for an answer.” 

Out of fear, the survivor didn’t report the assault until two months later. The survivor reported this situation as a Title 9, and the accused then transferred schools. 

HPU Procedure For Safety Of Off-Campus Students

HPU holds high standards to protect students. Off-campus procedures pertain to a security officer being stationed in the area where off-campus students live. According to High Point University's chief of security Debra Duncan, “Every one of the houses is equipped with an alarm system.” 

The issue is that students don’t set them up or use them. “If somebody comes to your house and shakes the door the alarm will go off.” 

Security also uses blue light poles that have cameras in them in case of an emergency. According to Duncan, “every block has a camera.”

            HPU's campus uses many security procedures to provide the most protection possible for students. These procedures include cameras, a gated campus, and constant security checks.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

blog post 10

 For my story 3 final draft I am covering a story on crimes committed too HPU students. These crimes range from verbal and physical assault to a break into a student's home. I also interviewed the chief of security, to understand the process of when security is called. I also am looking to interview one more person for my final story before handling in my multimedia piece

My next story 4 will be covering ways to bring the crime rates down in High Point. And how they have decreased within the past couple of years. I will be reaching out to High Point police force to gather statistics and more information. And I am looking to interview police officers and townies.